Maths Week 2018

Maths Week 2018

During Maths Week, the children enjoyed our weekly maths stations. They were practising their multiplication knowledge through games and problem solving. Thank you to Mr McClean for his daily maths boards. The children really enjoyed solving the...


Baking Fun!

Baking Fun!

Our theme in Gaeilge is Bia so we decided to bake chocolate cookies today. The children had a great time reading the recipe, measuring and mixing all the ingredients together. The best part was the taste test! Bia blasta!


Buddy Reading

Buddy Reading

On Friday 24th September we had our first buddy reading session with Ms Finnegan’s junior infants. The children chose their books and swapped when they were finished. Well done to 3rd class for their great reading and questioning skills...


Mad for Maths!!


Over the last few weeks 3rd Class have been doing great work in maths, revising all their work from last year and trying out some trickier work this year. We have started maths groups with Mrs Evans. Our favourite thing however, is our maths...
