Rang a trí were lucky enough to have the children from 6th class come to visit today, to share some of their experiments from Science Week. We observed static electricity in action, saw a lemon act as a battery, witnessed what happens when you...
MoreInternational Men’s Day
For the day that’s in it, we’ve been reflecting on the male role models that exist in our lives, and what they do to inspire us. Whether it’s working hard, encouraging us to dream big for our futures, motivating us to get...
MoreScience Week!
3rd class looked at a couple of experiments this week to do with mixing and separating – our favourite one involved looking at the effect of oil on water; made all the more exciting by the addition of food colouring… Like fireworks in...
MoreShoebox Appeal
A huge thank you to the members of our class who brought in shoeboxes and contributed to Knockbridge National School’s record breaking collection this year. Christmas is the spirit of giving, without the thought of getting – and...
MoreBook Fair 2019
As J.K. Rowling said: ‘I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book’. It was wonderful to see Rang a Trí so excited to choose new books for themselves. We came away from today with so many different genres...
MoreThis is Halloween!
Hold onto your (witches) hats; 3rd class have been looking at the song ‘This is Halloween’ from the movie ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’. We’ve been reciting it as an atmospheric poem, adding tension and drama to...
MoreWorld Mental Health Day
3rd class spent a lot of time chatting today about what mental health means, and times when we’ve felt anxious, sad or angry. We identified the biggest worries in our lives, and read a poem that had many words of wisdom in it; here are some...
MoreGhostly Garlands
Does anyone need some spooky home made Halloween decorations? We’re now taking orders. You can contact us between the hours of 9am-3pm from Monday – Friday (!!!!!).