On Wednesday, Fr. Gerry invited all the boys and girls from Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st class to the Church for a prayer service to mark the start of the school year. The children sang two hymns as well as the action song “God is...
MoreKnockbridge Vintage Club Colouring Competition
Well done to Niamh who won 2nd prize in the Knockbridge Vintage Club colouring competition in the Junior & Senior Infant category!
MoreFirst Day of School
Congratulations to all the children in Junior Infants who were fantastic on their first day of school! They settled in to their new class with ease!
MoreEnd of Year Farewell from Miss. Sweeney
Dear Parents, Many thanks for entrusting your child to my care this year. It has been my pleasure and privilege to see their personalities grow day by day and to watch them develop in their learning. I, personally, have many cherished...
MoreFairy Doors
Inspired by our School Tour to Slieve Gullion, we used clay to make our very own fairy doors. When the clay hardened, we painted them in bright colours and brought them home. Hopefully a few fairies will use them!
MoreOur Last Buddy Reading Session
Senior Infants enjoyed their last session of Buddy Reading with 6th class before they concluded their journey in primary school. The sun shone down as we read books outside in the summer heat.
MoreBrilliant Butterflies
We really enjoyed growing our caterpillars into beautiful butterflies this year. The whole process took about four weeks. Our five caterpillars arrived in a little jar. We monitored them closely as they grew and grew. Once ready, they formed a...
MoreSpecial Award at Sports Day
Darragh received a special medal at assembly for his efforts at Sports Day. Darragh never gave up during the races and personified the key message of sports day in St. Mary’s N.S. – to have fun! Well done Darragh!