This school year, Mrs. Farren delivered the Friends for Life programme to Mrs Evans 4th and 5th classes and Mr McClean’s 4th class. This is a Social Skills and resilience building programme which aims to teach children how to cope with difficult situations, to feel more confident and brave in their daily lives and to feel better about themselves.

Friends for Life uses the FRIENDS acronym to help children to remember the strategies they learn throughout the programme.
Feelings – talk about your feelings to your support network and care about other people’s feelings
Relax – remember to have some quiet time. Relax, rest and breathe deeply and slowly. Do something you enjoy – exercise, play with your pet animal, chat with family or friends, listen to music, sing, dance, read.
I can do it! I can try my best! Remember “ your best “ is your best only.
Explore solutions to challenges you might face. Talk to your support network.
Nurture – spend quality time with family and friends. Make a good night’s sleep, taking daily exercise and eating healthily an important part of your life.
Do it every day. Practise these skills dailySmile – It’s free! It’s easy and it cheers us and others up.
Smile – It’s free! It’s easy and it cheers us and others up.
We finished the programme with a fantastic rendition of Bruno Mars’ Count On Me!