June Assembly

June Assembly

On Friday we held our last assembly of the year, and the final one ever for our current Rang VI. 6th class pupil, Jennifer, opened with a prayer, before Mrs McKeown spoke to the school on behalf of the Greenschools committee about Harvest Day which took place last Thursday.

Mrs McKeown didn’t have to return to her seat for long as she was back up with her fellow coach, Mrs McGeeney, presenting the girls football team with their 7 a-side medals that they won just after Easter. The sporting theme continued as our Family Fun Run Winners in each class grouping were presented with their ceritificates.

As is alwasy the case, we gave out our Persons, Students and Gaeilgeoirí of the month awards for June.

Mrs McGeeney spoke to us about the great work the Wellbeing team and Student Council have been doing over the past year promoting wellbeing, using the student voice to hear pupil concerns and working towards better mental health. This culminated in the award of the Amber Flag just this week.

After singing “Happy Birthday” to three pupils who celebrated big milestones on Friday, we still had time to give out awards from the St Bride’s Healthy Club Art Competition and reward ten pupils who recorded perfect attendance over the entire year.

6th Class students Eabha Norton and Cillian Dunne from the Student Council also delivered their end of year report. Along with representing the school at many important events, helping with the Amber Flag, Crosscause Donations, the Council was instrumental in changing every chair in the school and getting a water faucet installed outside in the yard. They expressed their thanks to Ms Clarke and Ms Conroy for their help and guidance. They ensured that 24/25 would be another exciting year for the Student Council of Knockbridge NS.

There was one last presentation, as one of Ms Finnegan’s pupils was on hand to deliver a present from the BOM ahead of her impending nuptials later this week. Best of luck Ms Finnegan!

To cap off a packed assembly, Rang VI signed off with one of their graduation songs they would perform to their families that evening.

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