Look back with Louis!

Look back with Louis!

Another busy week in 5th class! Here’s what we got up to this week…

This week we were learning about the Ancient Mayan Civilisation. We wrote down a recipe for Mayan hot chocolate in our English copies and Ms. Conroy told us we would be making it later in the week!

We also learned about tangrams in maths and tried our best to complete some tangram puzzles. It was really fun! We played word tennis as gaeilge and we tried to solve some Dingbats in our groups!

On Wednesday we had football training after school. We played a match, it was great. We also learned how to use our busy bee copies and got to try out lots of fun activities!

We finally got the chance to make our Mayan hot chocolate on Thursday and it was delicious! A special thank you to Ms. Conroy and Margaret for making it for us. We even got a marshmallow to put on the top!

Friday was great fun . We had swimming and my group got to try out some diving. We also had buddy reading with 1st Class and we played the Wolf Game, the wolves were victorious…this time!

By Louis Conroy

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