Happy 6th Birthday Daniel.
MoreStations in Senior Infants!
We started our literacy and fine motor stations this week. We were busy practicing our cutting. The boys and girls were also doing some work on their phonics and enjoyed having time to do some free writing. Ms Sweeney was helping us with our...
MoreMaths Stations
We started our Maths stations this week in Senior Infants. Ms Sweeney came in to our classroom to help us and we had great fun playing the Incy Wincy Spider game. We were busy playing ladybird bingo, making cube patterns and practicing our number...
MoreBusy Week in Senior Infants!
All the boys and girls in Senior Infants were very busy this week in school. We did some excellent matching and sorting in Maths this week and had great fun! We were learning about Elmer the Colourful Elephant and how we are all different. We all...
MoreBack to School
It was great to see all the boys and girls in Senior Infants back to school last week. There were lots of smiles and we had a great first week back. Everyone settled back into school and we are looking forward to a great year in Senior Infants!...